Collar leash Mesh

The dog-human team

There are numerous different dog breeds. Whether shepherd dogs or hounds, whether retrievers or … And no, the lap dog is not one of them. Their needs are just as different. It is therefore particularly important for every dog-human team to find the perfect leash, the perfect collar and the perfect harness. This is especially true for leashes and collars for large dogs.

You can find out everything you need to know when buying a leash and collar for large dogs here. Your question has not been answered? No problem, you are welcome to send us an email to

It depends on the width!

The first thing you should look out for when buying a dog collar is obvious: it should fit. Make sure that when closed, two fingers fit loosely between the dog’s collar and the dog’s collar. On all TARIGS dog collars you will find from-to information. This information corresponds to the smallest or the largest length of the dog collar when closed. Your dog’s neck size should be within this range.

In addition to the right size, you should also make sure that the collar, whether leather or fabric, is well lined inside. This not only ensures better wearing comfort, but also speaks for a robust and durable product. Because nothing is worse than the most beautiful collar, which is broken after the first swim or the first walk in the forest.

It is also optimal if the fastener for attaching the line is next to the metal ring. As a result, the hard clasp does not press against your dog’s neck when he pulls. Because that is also not nice for your favorite fur nose.

A metal closure is also recommended for large dogs. These are usually much more robust when pulling heavily. If you frequently walk on a leash, you should also make sure that the collar is not too narrow. The narrower and the greater the pull, the more the collar looks like a strangulating loop.

On a long leash …

The dog leash should be in no way inferior to the size of the dog collar. But don’t overdo it either. The very first leash that we bought for our little Westie back then was probably more suitable for a Saint Bernard. (We probably overdid it …) The matching line in material and color are of course only an aesthetic aspect. It is important here that the line meets your requirements.

Carabiners made of plastic are usually not recommended, as they can break in small dogs. For large dogs, it is particularly important to pay attention to a large and strong carabiner. Almost all of our TARIGS dog leashes also have a metal ring on the wrist strap so that the leash can be comfortably put around when the dog is running without a leash.

Give yourself a jerk!

You have already read quite a bit about the perfect team of leashes and collars for large dogs, but we still have one more treat for you: Leashes with shock absorbers. But what is it and why do you need it? We would now like to get to the bottom of these questions.

Whether your dog is constantly pulling or jerking on the leash when he sees another dog or cat, leashes with a shock absorber have a great advantage for all dogs, but also for owners and mistresses – the jerk is dampened. Why is that so important?

Imagine you would be pulled hard on the neck – not only is it incredibly painful, it also poses a great risk of injury to the spine and the like. And for these situations there are lines with shock absorbers. This shock absorber protects both you and your dog from injuries and tension by cushioning the shock or train. Our mesh set, consisting of a leather leash with an integrated, robust shock absorber and leather collar, is a perfect example of a leash and collar for large dogs.